Using a website for your business is the right options by which you will be able to connect with the clients and you can also share the information about your products and also the services. And also with the help of a website can easily create brand awareness of your products and services that you are providing. And nowadays there are numerous hosting platforms to select. But it is necessary to select the suitable hosting provider as per your needs.
If you are already making use of the hosting service for your site and now seeking for the information to use the FTP Accounts in your Panel Sewa or Cpanel then below is the complete information.
Steps to use FTP Accounts in you Hr Panel:
Step-1: Log in to the Panel Sewa or Cpanel
Step-2: Visit the Files option
Step-3: And now click on the FTP Accounts
Step-4: Go to Create a new FTP Account
Step-5: Enter Username, Password, Directory. And here you can also Create a new FTP Account with new home directory or by Set Master home directory via root, backups, and public_html or by using a domain name like- /wp-admin, /wp-content, /hui etc.
>>> At last click on create.
You can check your FTP accounts in Current FTP accounts section which is on the top.