News blogs or sites are not as regular web hosting plans. They need more resources and load balancing.
We have understood the need of small and big industry who runs high traffic news portal. With our past experience we have servers for running small news blog to high traffic news portal.
News portal can vary from small business news to large news agency news. This can be for a startup who want to run a news site.
Some people perosnally run standalone news sites, and they promote on various social medias. Personal news sites are best suited for affliated marketers and review sites.
Registered news agency like OnlineKhabar having multi author and that are well established in market with their own news brand. We provide SEO optmision from HostingSewa and help them how to grow their overall brand.
Some independent news journalist or reporter who want to have their say from their own blog or website.
As we have seen increase in niche news sites just ran for ads runing and profit motive without a brand value yet experiences high traffic. So, we had designed such plans too.
Create your own artworks, store in the server and share the links to download to many people. It acts a personal cloud for designer, painter, creative artist, photographers, and developers too.
News hosting is the practice of hosting news websites and content on the internet. This typically involves using web servers and other technologies to make news content available to users on demand. In order to provide a high-quality experience, news hosting often involves implementing technical measures such as DDOS prevention, spam prevention, and adding more CPU and RAM to handle high traffic levels. This helps to ensure that news websites and content are available and accessible at all times.