Nowadays the debate of loading time of a website seems to be very much popular and has acquired a new dimension all together. Everyone is trying to optimize the site and thus reducing the loading time of a website.Why should one Focus on Web Page Loading timeLoading time of a website will decide if the website will be explored by the website visitor. There has been many surveys conducted which says that more than 83% of the visitors a web page loading time to be less than 3 seconds and half of the people abandon a website if it is not loaded than within that time.Here we will discuss some of the ways by which you can speed up your web page loading time:Checking the Current Speed of a Website Different tools to Optimize the website - A google PageSpeed Insight tool inspects the content of a website and then provides different suggestion of improving the speed of website. In the above image it shows that the website is fast, but in other case if the website is not fast enough it will show orange and red icon and the ways to improve the loading time of a website.Then there are other tools as well like a Pingdom Tool, Yahoo’s Yslow and GTmetrix which provides the loading time status of a web page.Optimizing and Resizing the Image Size Resizing and optimizing the images is one of the best as well as easiest ways by which one can decrease the size of a web page as well as its loading time. One must know that images consumes lot of bandwidth which can impact the loading time of a website. Resizing the website and its images in HTML is not the only solution as it wont change the size of the image. There are some external tools available by which one can resize the image. You can even make usage of image optimization tools which will decrease the size without losing the quality of the image. Using the CDN for optimizing the Website When you use CDN for your website that would mean that your website is spread on different servers located in different parts of the world. When someone needs requests to see a website, then they will be receiving the data from the servers which is at their closest location. There are many large website which is executing the CDN for making sure that their website performs much faster for better performance.
Avoiding the Videos in a Web Page There are video files which can sometimes be very big in size. Uploading the video to a webpage can sometimes be a hectic task as well. One should not use a self hosted video for a website. Instead one can use the third part video sites like youtube for videos on their website.
Switching off the Plugins when not in Use When you are using to many plugins for a website it can make your web page slow. Hence it is advised that one should choose a plugin carefully and then apply only those plugins which is needed for a website. The best way is to delete or deactivate the plugins which are not in use.These are some of the simple ways by which one can optimize a website and its performance.
Reasons Why Website Speed Matters: 1. It is the first impression you ever make
As you know that the first impression is the best impression! That rule is also applied when it comes to website speed. Because your customers, readers, and website visitors can easily make an instant judgment about you and your business. So if your website is loading quickly then you have instantly made a strong first impression with your customer. It is also a quick win for users if it loads fast, your new visitor is immediately happy. Moreover today most of the people consider that any website which loads fast is professional and reliable. On the other hand a slow website makes us think it’s unsafe, insecure, and untrustworthy. And it’s really difficult to turn around that negative first impression.
2. Conversion is More Important Than Raw Traffic
Even though you are good at marketing and if your getting good traffic for your website it doesn't mean that you will get good business. So what is important for business is the conversion, that you get from that web traffic. Some research has also said that one-second delay in website loading speed can lead to a 7% decline in user conversion rates. So to have a good conversion you need to have an optimized website were it load quickly. So if you don’t want to miss revenue opportunities, look at your site’s loading speed.
3. Search Rankings
Today if you are looking for better position in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc, then you need to look at your site’s loading speed. Not only that Google is one of the #1 search engine has also said that speed is an official ranking signal. This means that a slow website speed has the potential to negatively influence your SEO and thus your search engine rankings. Along with the speed you should also need to take care of page relevance which will carry more weight than overall site speed. It basically means that the average websites won’t see much change. But, if your site is super slow, you will suffer.
4. The Future of the Internet is Mobile
Many years back Google had said that mobile devices are generating more online searches than desktop computers. And today more than 65% of digital media time is represented by mobile devices. So here the critical part is that you need to have a website which is designed and optimized as per mobile user in mind. Moreover today mobile users are particularly demanding when it comes to site speeds. About 43% of users will leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. If you are planning to build up your site over coming months and years, you will have to plan for the mobile audience in terms of optimal page load speeds.
So improving your website speed is not rocket science all it takes is good planning with a proper infrastructure where it ensures that you can easily cut away all unnecessary milliseconds to minimize loading time of your website. Just follow the above steps and apply it on your website and it will definitely help your website with better speed.